bathroom and tap

Cincinnati Water Leak Repair Services

FREE Service Calls with Any Plumbing Repairs

Cincinnati households utilize water in many different ways, consuming an average of 400 gallons of water per day. Behind every water-consuming chore or activity is a plumbing system that keeps you supplied with fresh water.

When leaks occur in plumbing systems, problems can develop throughout the home. When water escapes the previously contained system, it spills into areas of the home where it should not be, causing water damage, mold growth, and other damaging conditions. What’s even more – you’re the one who’s stuck paying for the wasted water that destroyed your home.

Don’t leave leaks to snowball into serious and widespread devastation – you need to call us today! Thomas & Galbraith Heating, Cooling & Plumbing provides professional leak repair services. Our licensed Cincinnati plumbers address your leaking plumbing system quickly and perform emergency repair services that fix the problem while protecting your home.

$100 Off Any Plumbing Repair

$100 Off Any Plumbing Repair

$100 Off Any Plumbing Repair

$100 Off Any Plumbing Repair

Promo Code: HC23

Expires: Jun 28, 2025

*Valid with repair. See dealer for details, discounts, warranties and guarantees. Some restrictions apply. Normal business hours only. Residential owner-occupied only. Existing residential only. Must be presented at time of service. Cannot combine with other offers or discounts. Not valid on previous purchases. Special financing available for qualified buyers only. Must be in service area. Expires one month upon receipt. OH HVAC HV-49040, KY HVAC HM01276, OH Plumbing PL.49661, KY Plumbing M5308

$100 Off Any Plumbing Repair

$100 Off Any Plumbing Repair

Promotion Code: HC23

Expires Jun 28, 2025


*Valid with repair. See dealer for details, discounts, warranties and guarantees. Some restrictions apply. Normal business hours only. Residential owner-occupied only. Existing residential only. Must be presented at time of service. Cannot combine with other offers or discounts. Not valid on previous purchases. Special financing available for qualified buyers only. Must be in service area. Expires one month upon receipt. OH HVAC HV-49040, KY HVAC HM01276, OH Plumbing PL.49661, KY Plumbing M5308

You Should Quickly Repair a Water Leak

Leaking water can pose a serious threat to your home. Here are some reasons leak repair needs to be performed right away:

  • Save the cost of wasted water – It is environmentally negligent to leave leaks unrepaired. It’s bad for the Earth and bad for our budgets, as our water bills increase.
  • Prevent damage to your flooring– Gravity pulls water to the floor, trapping it below floorboards, tiles, slabs, and other forms of flooring. If allowed to continue without repair, foundation cracks can result in mold growth and other serious problems.
  • Save your walls – Much of a home’s plumbing runs within walls. When a pipe starts to leak, surrounding drywall soaks up water and it’s possible the wall could eventually collapse.
  • Avoid mildew issues – Mildew thrives in moist atmospheres. Pooling water in your walls or floors can promote such growth, jeopardizing your health.

Unfortunately, plumbing leaks are not always as obvious as dripping faucets and leaking pipes. There are many types of household leaks hidden underground, leaks in the structure’s slab foundation, as well as leaks behind walls or beneath floors – leaks in such locations persist without discovery for years in some situations due to their inconspicuous locations. If you notice any water leak or have suspicions one is hiding in your home, it is your best option to call in a professional plumber. A plumber can identify the source of the leak, recommend effective repair services, and conduct a thorough inspection to seek out any other hidden leaks.

If you see signs that are common indicators of hidden water leaks, including pooling water outside the home, foundation cracks, and other signs that show the presence of water or water damage, call us to request a service appointment for leak repairs. Trust our highly experienced plumbing staff to perform emergency leak detection, finding leaks that cause hidden damage on your property.

Water Leak Warning Signs

Subtle symptoms are sometimes the only warning a Cincinnati homeowner will receive of a hidden water leak. To uncover this serious plumbing problem and fix the leaking fast before further damage results, you must be aware of the symptoms that provide clues to lingering pipe leaks, slab leaks, and other types of water leaks throughout the home.

  • Your water bills have increased and you can’t figure out why. Changes in usage can often be explained by seasonal shifts, vacations, hosting houseguests, adding appliances, and other known activities that would create an obvious difference in the volume of water your household consumes. Compare the suspect utility statement with the statement from the same month last year to evaluate for weather-related differences. If you still can’t come up with an explanation for the increase in water consumption, it’s pretty safe to assume you have a leak lurking somewhere.

  • The water meter continually runs. Your home’s water meter should run as water is used, and stop ticking when taps are closed and no water-consuming appliances are in use. If the water meter runs even when no one uses water, this is a sign that water is still running somewhere – like out of a leaking pipe.

  • You notice the distinct odor of mold and mildew inside your home. Most Cincinnati homeowners are familiar with the musty odor produced when mold and mildew grow in a space. If this odor is persistent in your home despite regular cleaning, a hidden water leak could be hiding mold growth somewhere in your home.

  • There are visible cracks in the foundation of your home. Some minor cracks occur as a home settles, but there shouldn’t be any new cracks that pop up out of the blue. If you discover a new foundation crack, call your plumber to perform slab leak detection and perform repairs if needed.

  • Footprints of pooled water are present in areas of your home. Are there darkened or damp spots on the floor or wall near any household plumbing fixtures? Leaking water collects in these areas, leaving behind a visual clue of its presence.

Friendly Service. Certified Plumbers. Happy Clients.

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No Guesswork

When we say "This is how much it is" that's how much it is. Period.

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"It Will Work"

No excuses or stories, just service when you need it!

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100% Money-Back Satisfaction

We'll make it right or remove the system and return 100% of your money.

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Client Respect

If we dirty it, we'll clean it. If we damage it, we'll fix it. Plain and simple.

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Safe and Secure

The right company and the right people in your home, ensuring your job is done right and your peace of mind is protected.

Have a Water Leak? Calls Are Answered 24/7/365

How to Address Varying Degrees of Water Leaks

From a slight inconvenience to a financial catastrophe with significant property damage, you’ll usually find yourself in one of these three circumstances when you have a water leak. Find out what to do to protect your home in each situation.

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Max is an important part of our team. He is more than just a cartoon character. Max represents our commitment to quality work, craftsmanship, pride, and our passion to serve our clients and community. We celebrate this mentality through Max because these are the values that drive us to be the area’s most complete and comprehensive home service company. So, now when you see Max, you’ll know the story behind the man with the mustache!